Pokemon Let’s go Pikachu/ Eevee Review!!

It has been a long time since a new Pokemon game came out, and by long, I mean a year. The last game that came out was Ultra Sun and Moon. Pokemon is one of the things that everybody likes, from adults to children. I know a lot of people were waiting for this game, so I am here to give a review and tell you if you should buy the game or not.

Pokemon Let’s go Pikachu is just like any other Pokemon game, meaning that you start from Palet town and have to defeat all the gym leaders. This game is a remake of Pokemon Yellow which means that this game is set in the original Kanto region. This also means that you can catch the original starters in the wild.

In Pokemon Let’s go you start with either a Pikachu or an Eevee depending on the game you have bought. All the original features are there plus mega evolution’s for some Pokemon. This game also features Team Rocket and you can see them first in Veridion town on the road. Be sure to meet them there first because they soon disappear and you won’t be able to meet them for some time.Key Art - PokÇmon League

There are some new features like the size of the Pokemon. If you see a Pokemon with some shiny light around it, it means that it is unique in its height. It can either be big or small. There is no difference in combat.

What I like about the game: Everybody loves Pokemon, and I think that this game’s strong points is that it is similar to the old games. You can also take Pokemon’s out of the Pokeballs and let them follow you like in the anime. You can also dress them up, which I have no problem with.3392619-pokemon-lets-go-pikachu-eevee

My problem with the game:

My only problem with the game is the new catching mechanism. They have used the Pokemon Go method of catching Pokemon. This means that you don’t lower their health and then catch them. You have to use the motion sensor to throw the Pokeballs. You can feed them Razz Berries to lower their guard. The motion sensing is not that good either, so the Pokeballs will miss a lot and all your annoyance with the Pokemon Go game will come back. You will miss sometimes and that is very annoying.

Other than that, the game is very good and  I give it-9-per-sepuluh

My review on Red Dead Redemption 2 is on the way!!

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