Akame Ga Kill! Review!!

This is another one of the multiple anime’ I saw during my break. First, I was a bit skeptical because for the first 10 minutes, it had a SAO vibe to it(I don’t know why), but I was hooked to the show from the start of the very first episode. Akame Ga Kill! has only one season which includes 24 episodes, but sometimes, the shorter anime are the best.

In this show, we follow the story of Tatsumi, a local boy from a poor village, who goes to Central to join the army and earn money to send to the village. He leaves with two other people who are his friends. He is separated from his friends during the journey, and when he reaches Central, he get the biggest shock of his life! Central is not what it seems like. It is full of corruption and the rich always take advantage of the poor. This is because the country is ruled by a young kid whose parents(the king and queen) died. The main problem is Minister Honest, who always gives bad advise to the king for his gains. To stop this, a rebellion is formed and there is a special assassination force called Night Raid who helps them out. Night Raid is full of people with Imperial Arms which are weapons made from special monsters. Tatsumi joins the Night Raid to fight the corruption.download (2)

My thoughts:

This anime is one of the most under-rated anime I have seen. The story is great and the execution of the story is amazing. There is great action and just the idea of Imperial Arms and the different kinds of them are amazing. I think my favorite would be Incursio just because how cool it is. Tatsumi gets a some emotional drive to join Night Raid and I think that the emotions used is amazing. You can relate to all the characters and all of them are different in their own way. The anime also does a very good job to make the characters likable in such a short time. Everybody gets an emotional reason to fight for their cause but I think that they should have told us more about Akame’ reason to fight Central. We know why she does it but a bit more details would have made it better.

I also like the fact that the show is not soft on the main characters and anything can happen. No character is safe and I also like that they show blood in the show and they are not scared to show a decapitated head. Again I would say that the Imperial Arms just made the show so much better. The ending of the show was not expected at all, but it was just cool and awesome and I was just sitting and smiling because of how cool it was. If you like Attack On Titans, you should definitely watch this show.download (1)

I would give this a:



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